Issue No. 26

A new way of thinking about problems.

The mind, especially when inexperienced, struggles to make sense of unexpected events that challenge our preconceived notions—like a flat tire, a failed exam, or the pain of a broken heart. These events, although difficult to believe, are real and force us to confront them. Why then do we dwell on these challenges for so long, unable to see a way out?

Our discomfort comes from our desire for total control. We can control some things but not everything. This uncertainty is scary, but it's a part of life from the beginning. Our lives started with uncertainty; our parents didn't know how we'd turn out. Life's uncertainty isn't necessarily bad; it can be an opportunity.

When faced with adversity, it's not the challenge itself that's the problem, but our judgment of it. People react differently to similar setbacks. Often, we choose the easiest path: denial. Denying reality prevents us from taking control of what we can change, like our ability to adapt. While we can't alter outcomes, we can change our perspective. Being late to class can't be changed, but accepting it and waking up earlier next time is within our control. Misfortune itself isn't inherently bad; it simply happens.

You might ask, "What about losing something or someone?" Things can be replaced, but memories of loved ones can be cherished. While we can't bring the deceased back, we can remember them fondly. Most of our experiences with people exist in our memories.

Amor Fati, the love of fate, teaches us to accept life's difficulties. Denying them won't help; we must face and overcome them. Challenges fuel our potential for growth. "The impediment to action advances action," Marcus Aurelius said. Challenges are opportunities. They aren't enemies; they pave the way for our future solutions.

Accept the situation and work with what you’re given for not everyone today has been given the luxury of another chance.

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Until next week,

Author of Silent Contemplations

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